Sammys Russian Dolls
Russian Doll care


Fairy Tales
Misc 2
Original Russian Dolls
Russian Doll care
The History

Tips for Opening and Caring for your Russian Nesting Doll

Always store your doll in the closed state. If they are left opened tops and bottoms may alter shape slightly .. enough to make it impossible to fit back together. See below

Opening your Doll
Always open a doll by "breaking" it open sideways as if you were breaking a stick. Try holding the doll horizontally instead of vertically as you open it. Do not twist the doll open as this can cause the paint to chip around the edges.

Difficult-to-Open Dolls
Occasionally, fluctuations in humidity and temperature can affect your doll's fit. Heat can cause the lacquer to seal, making the doll difficult to open. The best way to open a tight doll is to squeeze it. Hold it between your thumb and four fingers (with thumb positioned on the bottom part of the doll right below where it would connect to the top of the doll) and apply pressure with the thumb, carefully working your way around the doll. Often you'll even hear a small "pop" as the lacquer seal releases.

Loose Dolls
Excessive humidity can loosen your doll's fit. Time and a warm, dry location usually will correct this problem.

General Care

Extremes of hot/cold  Humid/dry  will cause the wood to expand or contract and can lead to cracking. Please remember they are made of natural wood which responds to the surrounding environment.
We suggest that you display your dolls out of direct sunlight since excessive heat can affect appearance over time. Periodically wipe the doll with a soft, clean cloth to keep dust from marring its surface. Polishes and cleaners may dull your doll's finish. With just a bit of care, your doll will last for years, allowing you to enjoy being a part of the Russian nesting doll tra